Today I have spent all day (08:15 to 15:45) in a garage reading “at the Existentialist Café”. It saw the hours through while I waited for my car to be serviced and subsequently repaired. They found I had a broken suspension coil and rather than faff about going backwards and forwards to the garage I got them to order the part in and fix it there and then. They gave me breakfast and endless coffee in the very nice in house café, while I sat and read. I wrote letters as well. Eventually they completed the task and then removed a not inconsiderable amounts of money from me. By the time the darkness was drawing in I drove out of the garage into the drivers hell known as Loughborough. Road works, drivers who bumped in to each other and endless bloody cones of inactivity that narrowed every road to a single track meant hours of crawling along trying not to get over excited about getting into second gear. Eventually I got to the motorway for my one junction journey. Once home I raced to the post knowing I had missed the collection for the day, I was not wrong. I returned home with eggs and a paper and set about the undone tasks. My partner cooked tea and the I spent ages going through some evidence for a therapeutic community audit. Now I have little energy left to blog and I have yet to get ready for my trip to London tomorrow for a meeting. My Fitbit tells me its time to get ready for bed. A sensible piece of advice that I shall take. However it does mean that tomorrow I get to see my favourite Tracy Emin art.