After two days of rest I now feel better and slept reasonably well, so today I shall be going to the gym and driving the poison out of me. It is when I am feeling more chipper that I notice the other side effects. I’ve got the metallic taste in my mouth which makes eating less than pleasant, hence the curry last night. This morning I notice how my finger tips are feeling numb on this cycle but also that my nails are brittle and not looking good at all. So one thing at a time, firstly get my self stabbing out of the way and breakfast then we can plan the day. This is all very relaxed with lots of time for chat and discussion about the week to come. So one bacon sandwich later I am ready to self stab and to take my drugs.

Because I am away at a conference tomorrow I spent time playing musical cars. The wolf gets put in the garage and I get the “beast” out and get it ready to take us to the gym. Some faffing about before we packed car and head for Sainsbury’s. It is here that I buy hydrating cuticle oil and No Chip Top Coat. So later in the day I shall be “doing my nails”.

The first of the Christmas cards are bought and will soon be winging their way to the lucky Christmas list folk. Added to this is a conference supply of Clarnico Mint Creams to try and keep my mouth fresh and to counter the metallic taste in my mouth.

Off to the gym, beginning to feel this might be a mistake but once there I’m soon stripped and up on the cross trainer. 783 calories later and 10, 000 steps later I’m feeling glad I made the effort. My Fitbit congratulates me. A shower and have a quiet moment in the lounge before heading home via the garage to check my tyres for tomorrows journey to Windsor. I get home with Liverpool beating Manchester City 2-0 at half time and start the blog. Its going to be a really early night tonight as I plan to be on the road by six o’clock in the morning, which means a self stabbing in a bleary state.That could be fun.

I’m quite excited because I am taking the blog on the road. I suspect there will be lots of photos of strange places and strangers, ( does data protection apply to blogs I wonder?). So there is an adventure to be had and new forms of the blog to create. So it feels like I am going to venture into the ocean around my island with real gusto. I am of course aware that the ocean is not only alive with magical things and natural wonders, it also has its predators, traps and dangers, however I can swim. So I am off to do my nails, eat dinner, watch a smidgeon of TV and do the final packing before hitting bed early. I shall see you from a different place in the world tomorrow.