Happy Halloween. Spookily we are not Brexiting today. Probably a good thing not to be too ambition and stick to doing one thing at a time. So awake and ready for another day with an early morning appointment with my own vampire at the GP surgery. I get a paper and sit in the reception area doing the crosswords and get called early. I have to say my vampire is very good and gets painlessly into my vein every time. Its done in a trice. She offers me a shingles shot but I politely decline explaining that while I am in chemo I do not want to be sticking anything else in to my system, she got that. So off to the village café for coffee and breakfast and a quiet read of the paper. I have to say I tend to linger, its a nice refuge.

Back home I do the butler chores and clear the kitchen before settling down to write some stuff, however I am concerned about waiting to get the car back from the garage and leaving it till tomorrow, so I plan. Taxi is the answer. I find one just down the road from me and order one asap. Very fast service and I was soon walking up the steps to the garage office with the lower half of my wallet gently weeping in anticipation of what was about to come. The noise my car was making had “very expensive” written all over it. I smile and ask to be told gently and the garage owners wife smiles back. “You might like to sit down” she says as she pushes the invoice towards me. I look, I gasp, “are you serious?” I ask. She smiles even more. I am looking at a garage bill for £50. I’ve never seen such a low garage bill in my life before. Apparently going through the flood had dislodged a heat shield on the exhaust. Not an essential, so they just took it off. I gleefully pay and skip off before they change their minds or I wake up.

As a treat to the car I go to Sainsburys with the intention of getting it a good wash and polish from one of the car park entrepreneurs. Never one around when you want one, but undeterred I shop for treats, hot cross buns and mince pies, it feels Christmassy. Home to write letters and get a haircut. I get a WhatsApp picture from a friend who is entertaining her daughter at half term with a picture by her daughter, which I thought was lovely. I asked if I could put it on my blog and got a thumbs up, so here it is.

Rainbow Waves Fighting

I like the colours, the movement and the textures. I think it is really good, just goes to show what a young mind can do when given the opportunity.

I slip out to post letters and intend to get my hair cut but am thwarted. By the time I get to the village barbers there is a not on the door that says closed tomorrow back Saturday. I contemplate doing it myself and decide against it so get home and settle down with coffee, mince pie and Murakami’s Sputnik Sweetheart. I realise that this is the first time I have sat and recreationally read for a while and it feels really nice. Actually I’m laying on the bed reading as I was feeling a bit tired and I’m fairly sure I dozed off once or twice.

My evening has been taken up with prosaic stuff like making out my October invoices and preparing for tomorrows visit to the urologist. Having had my bloods done is routine but when I see the urologist I have to remember to take a urine sample. They weigh me as well which is always a lottery depending on what I am wearing and how large a breakfast I have. I am hoping that they will just sign me off so that I become the sole concern of the oncologist, it would just make life simpler. I intend to reads more and get an early night but I think there is family gathering organisation to do.

Happy Halloween