So my first night away from home on my own went well and I woke up knowing that I needed to return home and get my 21 day injection at the GPs. I am good at packing quickly and getting on my way, which is exactly what I did. I quick pit stop to pick up a sandwich, biscuits, drink and bounty bar and I was zipping down the A64 towards the M1. If all goes well I shall have lots of time to unpack my Amazon deliveries and watch some rugby. No such luck. Some poor unfortunate had rolled their car at junction 34a and there we all were in an eight mile queue crawling along thinking uncharitable thoughts about lunatic drivers. We crawled and crawled until we reached that strange and surreal moment when you go from crawl to zoom for no apparent reason and no matter how hard you look there is no sign of any accident wreakage or medical spillage. I thought my troubles were over, I was still going to make it to the GP on time. All went well until five miles from home, the road was closed. What followed was the longest diversion possible. I felt like some drunk had scrawled a line across a map and called it a diversion. Finally I got home and I still had time to open my Amazon parcels.

I made it to the GP clutching my injection pack. I booked in and was almost imediatley called for. It was the usual nurse who had returned from the beaches of Crete and knew that this time the injection was going to the right. She is good, very good, and the injection was done, no blood and importantly no pidgeon egg lump in my groin. We set the next 21 day date and I skip off to the village to get a paper and indulge in a bacon and egg roll at the cafe. I have just ordered and sipped my first cup of berry tea when I get a phone call from the Currys delivery team telling me they are delivering our new tumble dryer in five minutes. They are an hour early!! My roll becomes “to go” and I leg it back home to find a van outside. I dash in and rush around like a ferret up a drain pipe clearing the laundry area so that they can get a free run at the area. The delivery guys wander up the path to see if I have arrived and then ooze into action. Nothing fast and snappy here, this is definitley meander land. So the new machine goes in and the old one, plus packageing, goes away. All that is left is to read the manual and see if it works.

At last I can open my Amazon parcels, which are mostly pond related including half a dozen pond plants. I set to and gather up what I need to complete the job. I google planting instructions as the plants have come with none. Life is rarely simple. So I pot up the plant and get them in the pond. The final job is to net the pond so that it does not fill with autumn leafs. Now it really is time to leave it alone and see what happens.

All that I can do now is wait and see what Nature does.

I clear the kitchen and prepare curry for the family and retreat to the office to write a document for the enabling environment project. One of those blue sky five year strategy plans based on little knowledge and a huge amount of fantasy. I find myself wondering if I will get to column three and then move rapidly on. So I write the blog and think about the trip my partner and I are taking from tomorrow. We are going to see the glass art instilation at Kew gardens tomorrow night when the various pieces are illuminated. So tonight is packing again and checking the tickets. It will be an early start as I need to give blood at the GPs before we set off. I do not know if I will manage the blog tomorow, its a challenge.