Today has been a great day except for the one thing. The one thing being the pidgeon egg sized lump under my skin at the site of Wednesday’s 28 day injection. It’s sore and it’s irritating when everything else is so spiffing. There is little I can do about it apart from warm baths, savlon and exercise. There is also the other option; denial. So in the spirit of defiant denial I spent today clear the house of the charity bags, bags of discarded “things” fit only for the recycle centre and of course the mountain of packageing the various bits of recently aquired furniture came in.

So the morning saw me making trips to the tip having tried to avoid getting myself and car covered in those annoying round balls of static white polystyrene that everything comes packaged in. Fortunately the charity shop was on route so my old suits and the other bits of appalling fashion gaffes are now with, what I cheerfully refer to as “Sod the Aged”. I shall sneak back in a couple of days and see if any of my caste offs have made it to the display widow. As far as I know none of mine ever have!

Being in what I can only call a chipper state of mind and surprisingly energetic I dropped into my local garage and enquired where the radio arial they had ordered for me was. The garage owner was about to own up to forgetting when I reminded him that I had watched him order it, and that he had told me the price. He then remembered and seemed relieved that for once it was not down to him. With a hint of glee he rang the supplier, and then with dismay had to listen to all the advertising crap that Suzuki played him over the phone before he could speak to a real person. The order was confirmed but they were “waiting” for it to come in, but suprise surprise it was miraculously going to be arriving on Monday. Obviously the hard pressed construction trolls in Yokahama would be working overtime to fulfil the order.

So with all this activity there is, for a brief moment, a house that is crap free. It is only a matter of time before Mr Amazon delivers more things and packageing that will strangely find its way into the garage and stair well. This is cause for celebration!

Celebration in one of its more full on manifestations

To celebrate in real life I decide to go to the gym. Last time the gym left my back in spasm and I had a terrible night. It will be different this time. I still feel self conscious in the changeing room and the gym as I think I am spreading quickly around the waistline. However I return to my favourite spandex and take to a cross trainer, ipod turned up loud and start to exercise. It goes well, very well in fact, 762 calories well in the hour. A few stretches and a bit of core work and I’m ready to test the flab ratio. Flat on my back I pull my knee up towards my shoulder so that I can put my nose on my knee, yes I can still do that for both knees. The flab is there but I pass the nose test! I am entering the third week of my first cycle. This is the week I should be recovering, so I’m hoping I will have more good days like today until at least Friday when I go for my routine blood test.

I was looking through some cancer stuff the other day and discovered that we cancer club folk are colour coded with pretty ribbons. As an Oxford man at the University boat race I was slightly dissappointed at being coded Cambridge blue. Although being Oxford blue would be a pain in the arse, literally.