Wednesday and I wake up groggy and go back to sleep. I do eventually surface and do my vitals and check my cyber messages. I wait until I am ready to get up and then have a brunch. While my partner goes to see her mother I go to the Shed. Its the first time I’ve made it to the Shed for a long time. I light the candles and then sit down to write letters and that is where I stay until its time to get to the post office in time to get the letters on their way. With the Shed packed up I get ready to take the walk to the post office. It doesn’t sound much but it makes me anxious in case it restarts my symptoms again. I walk slowly and make it to the pillar box. My letters are popped in and I check to see if a paper is available. It isn’t. As I walk home I get a call from an English publisher but I miss it.
Once home I check my emails and find one from the publisher, I of course reply and arrange to be called tomorrow afternoon. I also get another surprise, a letter from one of my Scottish relations who shares information about that side of the family. It means I have to update the family tree and it also means that I now understand some of the family history that my sister and mother knew but had not shared. The way the family has changed is a surprise but it does mean that I can make an accurate picture of the family tree.
The evening starts with a meal followed by a film and silent football on the laptop. With that out of the way I caught up with the drafting the blog. Of course my final act is to take my night meds and get myself to bed in the hope that sleep engulfs me. Its been a slow day but at least I got to spend time in the Shed.