Fight without the drugs

Its Saturday and last night was the last of my chemo drugs. What starts now is an interval week before my next cycle starts so I may find myself experiencing something different for a while. I make drinks for my partner and I and then do my vitals before breakfast. The tide is up so there is no morning beach walk, its time to shop for tonight’s meal. Tesco provides what we need including a paper which I take back to the apartment and extract the crosswords from.

I settle down to write postcards. Its a tradition I like and I like to try and find something to to say, I’m not sure I succeed but I give it a go. Lunch comes and goes and the tide recedes enough for an afternoon saunter down the beach. My partner and I walk for an hour up and down discussing things like who is good and bad in We Hunt Together and the related issues of keeping ones feet on one side of the line. I find the walking tiring so return to the apartment but I find all my effort has earned me very few activity points on my fitness tracker, I’ve not made the 100 points I need so despite feeling tired I take myself of to the bedroom with my phone and choose a 20 minute dance work to get my points. What follows is beyond words really. No sense of rhythm, timing or co-ordination makes for a painful experience. Yesterday I discovered my body no longer jumps and today I discovered my body has four limbs that do not seems to communicate with each other. They certainly do not have the ability to copy someone else’s dance moves. There was a lot of fumbling free styling but it earned me the points I needed to hit my 100 point goal for the day.

After my unsightly gyrations I flop on the sofa and watch the England under 21 team beat Spain in the European championship final. An interesting game in effect won by the English goal keeper saving a last minute penalty. My partner and I eat tea and then watch the final episodes of We Hunt Together. Its a sort of poor persons Killing Eve or at least the adventures of a female psychopath. There will be a second series no doubt. There is of course tennis, with English players falling by the way side. I draft the blog to the background of Pink Floyd. So this is the beginning of my chemo interval. Hopefully I might get a brief respite from the side effects of the drugs. I am not sure my body is going to thank me for the last couple of days workouts. So with these last thoughts I take myself off to bed and hopefully some sleep.

Hold that thought