Sunday, Christmas Eve and I can’t be arsed to weight myself. I’ve not trained for ages and there is little point in weighing myself. I wake to find I have a Christmas Eve present, as has my partner. After a coffee my partner and I don our presents and pose for a picture with our youngest elf grandson. Its one I shall treasure.

After a brief breakfast, I shower and get ready to go to the family four generation afternoon. Unfortunately one of my nieces has to work, one niece is ill and one nephew is down with COVID, the rest of us spend time chatting, sipping coffee and trying to get i-player onto a smart TV from an i-phone. We failed but it replaced a round of Perudo or other Christmas games.

We stay and chat and then we drive home to more coffee and chocolate biscuits before tea. Everyone is tired, it feels like a busy day and I am already spoonless, The efforts of yesterday have caught up with me and so as tea cooks I draft the blog and ready myself for the evening. Its blowing hard outside and as a family we hunker down. I do not know how we will spend this evening but it will end with me taking my meds and hoping that I sleep well and wake up with many Christmas spoons,. Of course I hope Santa is kind and that we have a peaceful day and the joy of presents and celebration. For me I am just pleased to be here and to be able to be with my family and to be able to wish all my friends and loved ones a Merry Christmas.