Thursday and its the day I see the hand therapist so I zip through my rising routine and get myself breakfast and down my meds. I cannot be bothered to go through the faff of putting my hand in a sandwich bag to keep it dry so I save the delights of a shower. I am checking my website and YouTube channel when I get a bit display on my screen and a voice telling me my machine is locked and to ring the “Microsoft” engineers immediately as my IP address had been invaded and my personal data was at risk. What I was not to do was turn off my machine but to ring the engineers so they could guide me through a process of getting rid of the threat. The voice just kept repeating itself over and over. As I was on my way to see the hand therapists I just turned my machine off and left it to its own devices. When I returned I switched my machine on and surprise surprise it functioned perfectly. Nice try scammers.
The hand therapist was as lovely as ever and undressed my wound before giving it a clean and then removing the dead skin around the scar. The upshot is that I have a small area in my palm that is still healing and a couple of spots on my ring finger that are still not healed yet. So I get a reduced dressing, new hand exercises and a time table to remove my bandages. On Saturday I can remove my palm Dressing and on Monday the ring finger dressing can go, I just need to put an ordinary plaster on the ring finger if I need to. After that its all about, compression, the exercises and the Nivea cream. I think I should be able to manage that. The hand and scar therapist is pleased with the way I am coming along adn so am I.

Once home I have a late lunch and turn on my “infected” laptop. As I said above there is no problem and the scam alert has gone. I check here on my web site first of all to ensure it is functioning and it clearly is. I’ve noticed recently I am getting spikes in the visiting and viewing figures from all over the world and I have no explanation why. So what started as a way of keeping family, friends and old colleagues up-to-date with what is going on with me, my cancer and immediate family it seems that it has grown slight beyond that. Perhaps it is bits and pieces of content that I put in now and again or that if you do this long enough then statistically the visitors and views increase a bit.
Having checked my laptop and the website I wander out in search of Nivea cream and a paper, the reality turned out to be that Nivea cream does not exist in my village and you have to visit at least two shops to get a paper with the crosswords in. Of course on this peregrination I also managed additional treats. So after my round trip I still had to order my NIvea Cream from Amazon, who say it will arrive tomorrow. I do the crosswords for the day and cruise towards the evening having spent time with my partner picking out possible TV wall paper. All this time I am intermittently strapping up my finger and doing my exercise routine. So by early evening and having eaten I return to the blog before slipping into the pre selected TV wallpaper. So my evening saunters toward my night meds and putting on the night splint. Tomorrow I shall train. Yes tomorrow I will train, the proper start of hitting Christmas nine or ten kilos lighter.