Thursday. I wake ten minutes before my first meeting of the day, so its a quick coffee and in front of the laptop. Good to see people and catch up. It feels that the world is slowly waking up and in due course it will be possible to meet as real people again in the Real World. So it passes pleasantly and at the end I take a few minutes to catch up with a colleague that shares my interest in football, rugby and tax returns. There is admin to do post meeting. I also grab a round of peanut butter toast and coffee as there had been no time before the meeting. There then followed a period of frustration as I wrestle with my Fitbit that refuses to charge. No matter what I do I cannot get the dead thing to charge. I of course go to Amazon and find myself a new one, which with luck will be with me tomorrow. Feeling pleased with myself I am further encouraged by the arrival of the Amazon man. He delivers my new inspection lamp that is going to illuminate the Shed. I open it and of course its broken. The bulb is in pieces. Luckily I have anticipated this and have spares. A few minutes later and a new bulb is in place and I have found the hooks I need to put it in place. However there things to do first. I get my training kit together and load it in the car along with the dead Dyson that needs to go to the recycling centre.

I get to the recycling centre and queue for a few minutes before being directed to bay 18. I deposit the dead Dyson down with the other “small electrical goods” in the giant skip. Then I’m off to the gym, buying my usual large bottle of water at the bar and head for the changing rooms. I’m up on a cross trainer and treading out another hours worth of calories. 705 today over 7.62 kilometres. I Shower and head for the lounge and on the way take a phone call from a friend. The world is busy and everyone seems to be engaged in organising and restructuring life. I get up to go to the bar and have a light headed moment so I add an omelette to my black coffee and rest a while in the comfort of a large chair. I guess sometime the battle takes its toll, Rocket would be proud. Once feeling chipper again I drive home.

The kit gets put in the washing basket, and then I get a small weekend case out of the loft for my partners trip to London tomorrow. I take the new lamp to the Shed and install it so that the Shed is now better lit. It will make spending time working in the Shed that much easier. I return to the house and clear the kitchen by which time I am feeling tired. I watch ancient TV till my favourite tuna pasta dinner appears. My partner expresses doubt about the wisdom of driving to London and back in a single day next weekend. I look at where we are going and book the nearest hotel. My partner reads the reviews. The reviews say and is concerned that they say the hotel is dirty. There is a frank exchange of views before she goes to her singing lesson and I watch the Witcher. I cancel the hotel booking, my partner can find better.

I spend my evening writing the blog and Witchering. I take time out to search Amazon for a hedgehog feeding station, which I find several of. I read all the reviews and choose very carefully, I’m clearly better at choosing hedgehog shelters than hotels. More Witcher then drugs and bed. I’m tired.