DVT DAYS 111 & 112

A.G.A.I.G DAYS 96 & 97

Two days of little to note really, a lazy weekend in which the rain, football and the occasional outburst of WhatApp kept me going. It was nice to earn a rest day from the bike on Sunday by weighing in with a weight loss at the early Sunday morning weigh in. Maybe the bike will pay off.

I am reluctant to go out and about just yet and I am not sure if it is a habit response in that I maybe becoming institutionalised in my own home or more risk adverse as the news media keep talking about a “COVID spike” in Leicester.

Coronavirus testers swoop on Leicester as spike in cases could lead to first local lockdown in days

  • 28 Jun 2020, 18:31
  • Updated: 28 Jun 2020, 18:32

As my shed becomes my office, studio and gym I spend more time in it and have less need to venture into the world except to post my letters. My lockdown tactic of make the world come to me has worked beyond my expectations but in parallel my skills and abilities to use various communications modes has expanded. Most of my worldly needs like food, drink, clothes, equipment and indulgencies all arrive in my porch and just create a fortnightly job of wrangling the cardboard recycling mountain out to the collection point. My outflow consists of letters, emails, WhatsApp, texts ,videos, a YouTube channel, Zoom, Teams, phone calls, Amazon and the internet. When listed like that it looks a formidable modern list. There is little left other than build a pigeon loft.

See the source image

So with intelligent application of the mediums available being in the outside world becomes redundant. All of course the most important thing, that of human contact. The biggest danger is turning into one of Harlow’s monkeys brought up by a chicken wire mother and craving Terry towelling comfort of touch.

See the source image
Harlow Monkey preferring touch comfort to food.

It becomes a self fulfilling process as new ways of being at home present themselves. Next week much of my time will be spent at a conference on the internet. When I am not at the conference I shall be doing other work over the net. The challenge will be to get out to the shed.