DVT 265 & 266

A.G.A.I.G DAYS 2507 251

Saturday and I am distracted by anticipating the results of my blood test. As it happens some come through but the crucial one, the PSA does not, so I will have to wait. So I fill my day with a combination of Christmas preparation and continuing to prepare the house for the return of the decorators on Monday. Firstly there is the new under sink storage cupboard to build and fit along with the new shower curtain to put up. Once done the bathroom begins to look better.

Things begin to look better in the bathroom

So in between this preparation I wrote my Christmas cards and watched rugby or the Queens Gambit. Life at the moment seems to be full of clearing up, tidying and reorganising stuff. So I work away until past midnight when my full blood results get published on Patient View. I eagerly look for my PSA level and there it is at last. So now I have the full set, and it is favourable news.

Most things are in normal range but where I am out of it there seems to be reasons for it, mostly mild dehydration and the effect of my blood thinners. I will get a chance to run this past my oncologist on Tuesday providing that he rings and that he spends enough time to listen to me before he decides I am fit and well and ticks his boxes and buggers off for another four months. I got to bed with a sense of relief.

Sunday and I share the news of my PSA level and start the day with a bacon bagel. So its time to continue the preparation for the decorators. The first thing to do is to get the first bedroom sorted out by moving all the old stuff back. In the middle of moving and resetting clocks and phones we receive a delivery. The curtains for the bedroom have arrived early and they are exactly what we had hoped they would be. I set about hanging them but find the painters had dripped paint on the rail so that the runners would not run. So a little light sandpapering was required after which I used the magical silicon lubricant that solved the car seat belt problem on the curtain rail. My efforts were rewarded and the rail started to run smoothly. After some tricky sums I work out how many hooks I need and their spacing. I have enough runners for three of the curtains but only half the number for the fourth one. Amazon of course will have more with me tomorrow to complete the job properly but for now the curtains hang to drop their travel folds. So finally the look of the room is complete and I am happy that what I thought it could look like has become a reality, and it is pleasing.

That pleasing moment when a vision comes together

So Sunday night arrives and still stuff to do to be ready for tomorrow, but I take time to watch His Dark Materials and to write the blog. Tomorrow I will post my Christmas cards, and set about some more Enabling Environment work. Most importantly I need to buckle down and train again and train hard. The fight needs to be fought.