DVT DAYS 247 & 248

A.G.A.I.G DAYS 232 & 233

Tuesday, I wake up feeling crap and then spend day in an on line conference. from 9am till 8pm I am in front of a screen, a confirmed zoomling. My evening wind down is the Great British bake off and a couple more episodes of “Warrior Nun”. Not quite Stranger Things or Umbrella Academy but suitably escapist.

Wednesday, up an onto the conference line by 9am, having downed some muesli and coffee. and settled into the sofa. The conference is good but very intense and dense with very little if any respite from the screen. A friend rings me mid afternoon and I experience the welcome pleasure of having a proper conversation one to one and not a screen full of faces. It was good to be connected to the real world, a real person and not the faces in the “digisphere”. It was good to talk about real things like someone else’s work and parents meetings. I was sad to leave the call and return to the screen. The conference came to an end at 6pm, I pressed the “LEAVE” button and it was over. Time to put away the notes I had made, few but pertinent. I also copied the contact email and event dates, but they can wait till tomorrow. Its time for tea, wallpaper buying, some light TV, Warrior Nun and bed.