Today its been all work. Straight into a conference session, lunch and then back again to the conference. Both the presentations were excellent and the reflective spaces following them were both interesting and stimulating. I had the pleasant task of chairing the two reflection sessions. As soon as the conference was over I packaged and posted my sisters birthday present and returned home to head for the shed and the exercise bike. An hour on the bike and I was back in front of my laptop writing content for the Enablng Environment LeadershipResource. Only late in the evening when I had sent the EE work off to the editor had I goto time to write this brief blog. It feels like I am in work mode for the week and want to be clear of work for next week when my birthday rolls round. Each birthday that I make is now a present in itself and I intend to celerate each one as lavishly as I can, although COVID and the new Leicester lockdown is a downer this year. I am just hoping there will be enough in the future to do more expansive things.