A.G.A.I.G.DAY 92

I woke to sunshine, breakfast and a drugs pouch refill this morning. A retreat to the shed, hanging out my washing as I went, and a quick planting of more lettuce. I settled to catch up with my correspondence. Mid morning a parcel arrived for me, it was the other half of my fathers day present from my youngest daughter. Seedboms. An inspired choice of gift. I shall take great delight in bombing the more barren areas of my garden.

Letters written its lunchtime which my partner made and we ate on the patio in glorious sunshine. For me it was time to prep for my meeting with the YMCA. It a meeting that went well despite some terrible IT issues for one contributor. I still find a Zoom meeting where people choose not to turn on the video disconcerting, its like going to a meeting with a bag over your head. Meeting over I pop to the post box and deposit my letters for the day, to return home and change into my cycling shorts and churn out a half hour session in the heat of the shed. Once recovered I sort out the gigantic pile of recycling cardboard that has accumulated over the last two weeks in the hall way. I admit I hide the polythene and expanded packaging under the layers of cardboard that I stuff into the largest carton. Once done the bins go out and the now quite solid carton of cardboard gets wedged between them . I return to the shed to read while my family are out walking the village.

My partner eschews the suggestion of a take away and decides to cook a one pot and I write the blog. I’ve a stack of work things to do tomorrow while my partner has a days leave to enjoy the sunshine with a new paddling pool and sun lounger. It might also be the day that social distancing gets reduced and more things given the go ahead to open up again. I still have till the end of July to do I think but a small garden celebration on my birthday maybe permissible.

The battle goes on