A.G.A.I.G. DAY 89

Its been a day, breakfast and drugs and then, having toped up my tyres, a drive. Yes I got the beast out and drove to our local farm shop to buy steaks, sausages and sausage rolls. My first COVID shop. A notice on the farm shop said “Only one customer at a time”, very responsible I thought and entered. I and my partner were the only people in the shop, on the customer side of the counter. Behind the counter in a small space were at least six people in a space the size of a small rug. So much for social distancing.

Home and while my partner and daughter go for a walk I set to and construct a work video complete with pictures. It was to introduce a digital version of an Enabling Environment Work book, which will be released soon. Although it took ages to do I was quite pleased with some of it.

Having got the video done it was time to don my new arse padded cycling shorts and bike shoes and clamber aboard the bike to renew the fight on the flab. The bike has yet to move from the kitchen so my efforts were public.

I was puffing and blowing my way through the session when after about 35 minutes of effort that had made me sweat like Niagara falls my partner turned the oven on to start tea as she was hungry. I finished my session and wandered off to recover and change. The ambition is to be able to extend the session to a full hour. I take a few photos of the flowers in the garden as I am trying to keep a record of what comes up through the year.

Steak and chips was the delightful tea and devoured whilst watching the first live football match on the BBC since 1985. The rest of the evening passed with reading and writing. Still here I am at 00:26 with a kitchen to clear and the blog to finish. Tomorrow is father’s day, so with luck it will be me who gets coffee in bed, but for now its drugs and good night.