DAY 72

Todays the day the shielded teddy bear went down to the woods and posted his own letters. Todays the day he found he is getting fatter by the minute and very very unfit. Todays the day the sun did not shine but the garden got the drink it desperately needed.

Breakfast and butler duties before I check my e-mails intending to go to the shed and do something creative. However, I end up tiding up business and making calls to get things sorted. Once I had got through all the unexpected work I had time to sit and fill my drugs wallet for the week. It’s a regular ritual that I no longer think much about except having enough pills to fill the little daily boxes for the week. Today I stared at them and wonder about each one and whether they were necessary and concluded that I haven’t a clue anymore. I know far more about cell biology than I did and cancer in general and I have more than dabbled in kidneys but when I stare at the four pills a day I take I’ve not a clue really. None of them are related to cancer treatment, raised blood pressure (allegedly), a bladder relaxant (although I’m not sure any more why I am taking this) and two identical pills morning and evening to thin my blood to fought off DVTs. So, a heart that is pumping at the wrong pressure is now doing it with thinner blood, how does that  work? The problem is I do not think I care anymore. Alongside this my body is supposed to be reabsorbing the DVT but as the DVT clinic does not do second scans, I will never know if it has or not, or at least fully. So that leaves me with my monthly FIRMAGON which chemically castrates me and leaves me with the ambition of being the fittest castrate in the choir. That one is cancer relevant.

Any way after doing the pill popping I finally retreated to the shed to write a long letter. At lunch time a friend rang me and I had the pleasure of a long conversation before I attended my Wednesday Open Forum. An interesting one today which made the time fly by. I had planned soup for lunch but never got to it but instead decided to go and post my letters myself. Big moment this. I put on real clothes and don a mask and hat and set off looking like some weird cowboy looking for a bank to rob.

Shielding elder or bank robber?

Posting the letters was easy, but the rest of the walk was not. I laboured and got very hot in my mask and jumper, both a mistake in hindsight. I trudged round the village for 42 minutes discovering that the village café had reopened to do take away food. By the time I got back home I was dripping with sweat and just wanted to take everything off, especially when I found the heating had been turned on! I lay on the sofa with a 0% beer and begin to type the blog. Bizarrely I am looking forward to the great British sewing bee tonight, I am fascinated by how people can create such amazing clothes from scratch in such a short space of time. It’s got to be better than crowd less German football, hasn’t it? Perhaps this is the chance to settle down with my new book.