A.G.A.I.G DAY 71

Today started with the usual breakfast and then a retreat to the shed. I am trying to cut down the amount of time I spend looking at a screen and so spent my morning finishing the paintings that I had started. I make no claims to any form of artistic talent, my art is just another way that I’m finding to use my time while I remain Shielded. I have to say I find the activity relaxing and when engaged in this I find that time passes quickly.

A bacon sandwich lunch and I then return to the shed to write letters and to think about what future pictures I might create. I spend quite a long time creating my May invoices and getting them sent off. I also took delivery of my latest book. I am aware that I am becoming more prone to solipsism where I find it more difficult to see what is beyond my house and what comes through the TV to my living room is real. It is similar to astronauts who experience this if they spend time on the international space station, but then if you are looking down on earth then it is understandable. The question is whether isolation under lockdown for three months is a similar experience. My natural inclination is to think that solipsism is a desperate philosophy but I am reading what I can find on the subject to know what the arguments actually are. As a psychologist I am interested in people who exhibit this form of thinking and what the consequences are.

While doing all this I popped a loaf in the bread maker to bake before setting about preparing the evening meal, stopping late afternoon for a coffee and panettoni. By the evening there is a meal ready and time to finish writing my letters. An evening phone call with a friend is a welcome voice from the outside. It is then time to write the blog and watch “the A word”.  

oh the joys of pig tossing!