A.G.A.I.G. DAY 69

Sunday the 31st of May, the day Boris decided that it is now suddenly safe for me to go beyond the boundaries of my house and garden. On the 28th of May he was telling me that I would be in for another month of Shielding but suddenly with no warning it is now considered okay for me to venture out into the world on my own or with a single other providing I social distance. I can apparently go out once a day. I’ve just seen scenes of Bournemouth beach where it would appear that most people have not got a Skooby Doo about social distancing or as it is now know, doing a cummings! So do I want to venture out just yet, I am not sure.

Apart from a brief call over Zoom with my son in Stockholm I have ironically spent most of the day making a work video on the subject of Safety. Every time I thought I had cracked it the technology went awry and I had to start again. At one point I uploaded what I thought was a final video to my YouTube channel it processed the upload as a single picture. On the retake I discovered how annoying a single fly can be when your trying to film a brief chat. I eventually got to post the link for the final version at 10 o’clock tonight.

During the day my friend who was admitted into hospital last night with kidney stones was scanned and sent home and another friend was tending herself after being bitten on the leg. It sounds like a dangerous world out there, so I might be a bit cautious about going out there.