Well what a sloppy start to the day, no muesli, no yoghurt, no honey so it’s a fried egg sandwich and coffee that gets me going this morning. Then it’s a shower before I don real trousers prior to going to the GP to get my monthly cancer repellent injection. These are the rare days I get dressed properly, shave and put on deodorant and aftershave. So I am ferried to the surgery for 10:40 for reception to tell my partner that they have booked me in for 11:10. We take a drive around the local villages and pop back into home where I find my face masks have been delivered. I try them on and I am pleased with them, these will be my post lockdown travel wear.

With my appointment imminent I don my current “going to the doctors” face wear and get ferried to the surgery again. I get stabbed and let out the back door to return to the car and get my lift home. I retreat to the shed.


I spend the rest of the morning writing letters, some in response to received letters but also one in response to the news that a friend had had to call and report to the police what appears to have been an intrusion into their yard. I deliver the letters to my Hogwarts Owl and then its lunch time.

Post lunch I begin to get ready to do my walk around the garden for an hour. Today I include the patio and I can do more of the drive as we have moved the cars to facilitate our Tesco delivery later on. I do my hour and get my 10,000 step celebration after which I recover on the swing seat listening to Bette Midler and sipping cold coke. When I go into the house I find the new drinks bottle I could have done with earlies had now arrived. I’m going to try and monitor my hydration to help keep my kidneys healthy.


So I pack away the shed, change into lounge clothes and start to watch a German football match when the Tesco delivery arrives early, so a few minutes were taken up packing away the goodies and noting what was going where. For me it was back to football while my partner and eldest daughter prepared food for dinner. I spent sometime putting in the odd piece in the current jigsaw but was careful not to finish it as this would have been a major irritation to my partner who had done the vast majority of it and therefore had the right to finish it. Van Gogh is lovely but tricky as a jigsaw especially one that has “whimsies” cut into it.


So, I finally get to that part of the evening when I set to write the blog, tonight it is after Vera has concluded and the evening news bulletins are about to pump out more doom gloom and saccharine into the lounge. I try to ignore it and find a Russian world ice hockey jersey on e-bay which I hope is now winging its way towards me. It’s almost time for bed and I am wary of going due to the soreness of todays injection site and the fact that I appear to be one of those people experiencing poor sleep during lock down, it is true however that mine is greatly contributed to by my hot flushes, which wake me and drench me in sweat. It also induces a great deal of restlessness. In the good old days I would have downed a large brandy and slept like the dead, that is not an option now of course.