A.G.A.I.G DAY 58

An early challenge, crystallised honey. Before I can get my usual breakfast I have to immerse the honey jar in hot water to return it to its flowing state. While I wait for the miracle to happen I empty Daisy the dishwasher and clear the kitchen. Once the honey was ready, I eat breakfast and prepare to go to the shed. However, before I do, I have to fill my weekly drugs dispenser and discover I have none of my blood thinning drugs. I’ve ordered some so it will be a day before I get more, but that should not be a problem.

Today I try to run a LAN to the laptop in the shed from the main Wi-Fi hub, it seems to go well until I actually try to surf the net and then the system is so slow the system times out and fails to get to the target site. I revert to gardening and plant put a lot of the runner beans, beetroots and tomato plants. Having got as far as I can I drag out the lawn mower. It takes a while to get the lawns down at the back as I have to keep moving wires and hose pipes. It goes reasonably well until I go to the front garden and then the mower just stops working. I am not amused so I drag the offending dead machine to the back garden and break out the too kits. I get the power switch out and test it and the handle mechanism, as far as I can tell it is working okay. My meter tells me the electrics are sound, so I reassemble it and check the fuse, that too is in working order. I leave the dead machine, eat lunch and log on to the Wednesday Open Forum for and hour. I take notes, chat and resist the temptation to swig non-alcoholic beer from the bottle during the forum.

Back in the garden I pack up the tools I was using by which time out porch is full of fruit and vegetables. I pack these away, clear away the lunch pots and ger ready to go for my garden to garden walk. A walk for an hour getting sweater as I go and taking a drink every quarter of an hour. I discover that the drinks bottles that we have are all useless for drinking on the move and make a mental note to order a proper sports bottle today. At the end of the walk I sit on the swing set and listen to my favourite Bette Midler track. I go inside the house and try to log on on my notebook and find that there is no electricity. I check the fuse box and find that the mains circuit for the front part of the house had tripped. I returned the power and then realised that the lawn mower stopped when I moved to the front of the house and used a power point on the main circuit. If it had blown before I tried to mow the front lawn then it would explain why it stopped. It would also explain why when I tested it in the back garden it did not work as the garden power point is run off the same circuit. So tomorrow one of my jobs will be to recheck the mower. All so annoyingly time consuming.

The blog gets started but dinner interrupts it and then I plump for a bath. Today no yoga as the walk was hard so I use the bath to breath for a while and relax my muscles. I emerge from the bath in time to catch the end the Great British Sewin Bee. It merges into news programmes full of virus news and I return to writing the blog. I’m tired and I think that this blog is becoming boring as I find it difficult to make the effort to think and observe beyond the mundane. Although I will say that the sight of a union jack flag flying in one of my neighbours garden stunned me somewhat, and made me wonder if we are about as a nation to slide into smug nationalism.