A.G.A.I.G. DAY 53

This is a good day. Primarily because today my blood tests came back and I have yet again managed to force down my PSA level. It’s now 0.2, just over a year ago it was 147. Go me. Go everyone who wishes me well and encourages me. We are for the moment seem to be holding the cancer at bay. As the oncologist said, It’s as good as it gets.

My latest blood test results, go me.

Apart from the anxiety of the results and then the relief that they fell about right I spent my morning planting dahlias and sowing cornflower and sunflower seeds. I find it therapeutic to grow things, it appears I am quite good at this growing lark to the extent that my greenhouse is full. Having sated my growing need I settled down to write a reply to a letter that I received some days ago. It was not until my eldest daughter popped into the shed to ask about lunch that I realised what the time was. As my partner was dealing with wall to wall meeting calls my daughter put lunch together, which was good of her considering she had just done an on line job interview. Apparently, it went okay, so we are all waiting to see what the outcome will be.

So, lunch done it is time to open the post, and to see what Mr Amazon had brought me. Nothing more exciting than a VGA lead and a couple of very long LAN wires with a view to running Wi Fi direct into the shed.  So having had a bit of a post lunch rest I get ready to go for my garden walk. My legs are not keen but before I get going I have the pleasure of a call from a friend. It was good to hear from her and helped sort out some of the things I had been thinking about. So then I am off to walk my garden for an hour. It went okay but I was pleased to get the hour over and to rest for a while. I sorted out the shed and refilled the pond that had been lowered by the solar fountain in the morning. With things cleared away I took more photos of the flowers in the garden, It really is being magnificent this year. It is a gift that goes on giving.

From one oak root two paths grow.

Get indoors, clear the kitchen and then fit the VGA lead to my partners work laptop so she can use the large monitor.

At this point my partner goes to do yoga, talk to her mother and begin to cook dinner while I slump in front of the TV and start the blog. As I type away my eldest daughter comes in from her walk bearing a bag of iced buns, very naughty, and suggests we could celebrate. She had just heard that she is joining the team at De Montfort University as a lecturer in the criminology department, training police officers. We are all pleased to say the least. She is doing the phone calls to tell people and I will open the bottle of non-alcoholic sparkling wine tonight plus of course nibbling the buns.

So, I look forward to an evening of celebration and joy. This has turned out to be a very good day. Oh! I almost forgot, the company that miss sold me a weights bench is going to come and collect it. An even better day.