A.G.A.I.G. DAY 5

I woke in a strange bed, the back bedroom bed, familiar but not the usual and then I remembered my partner had taken herself off with a tickly throat last night. So here I am in the back bedroom bed looking at the trees in the garden and thinking how well I have slept. The mattress is so much firmer and supportive than the new one on the big bed. Ultimately it means getting another super king size mattress but that will have to wait till I am free of my leper status; I am never going to buy another mattress without laying on it first. Not that we did not lay on the other one but somehow it just was not the same when it arrived. So it good old fashioned springs in pockets for me in future.

I get up, put bedding in the washing machine, cook an egg roll and retreat to the shed, but not before catching up with the daily Covid-19 situation. As expected the numbers are going up here. I have a plan, keep my distance and spend a lot of time in the shed.

Social distancing at its best.

I set up and settle down to write my letters for the day. Some are easy to write others less so. I am writing to people who are in my address book but they may well have thought me dead and scrubbed me out of their address books long ago. Of course I might be writing to dead people. I take odd moments out check e-mail or WhatsApp messages. A colleague always finds amusing things to circulate but today I found he had sent a lovely video about life being like a train journey, I was expecting there to be a joke at the end but in fact it was a message of appreciation that I was one of the people that was on his train. A lovely thought. A friend sent me a picture and a new word. I leave you to spot it in the blog at some point. I end up writing three letters which my daughter will post when she goes for her daily walk. I spend quite a lot of time trying to get my laptop to hook up to the internet reliably but the signal from our router fades in and out and is not stable. I then spend time trying to find a signal booster that will do the job and can be delivered fairly soon, if I cannot make this work in the shed I will need to relocate into the house when I need to work online. I am reluctant to do this but it may be the only realistic solution. Time will tell once Mr Amazon has worked his magic and got the tech stuff to me. Life is never easy but then who wants it to be, only the snizzlenuggets of this world want easy.


Eventually I can write no more so I fill the bird and squirrel feeders. I once joked with a friend that if there is a day of reckoning I will at least be able to say “I fed the birds” and hope that it tips the scales in my favour. Although if I were an ancient Egyptian I doubt Thoth the god who weighs the hearts of the dead  to see if they may progress, would be impressed by a few bags of seed. Although Horus the falcon headed god might put a good word in for me. It looks like rain as the sky turns stormy and there is that quiet which precedes one.

He is obviously off to close the shed and empty the tumble dryer

I empty the tumble dryer and close the shed up for the day and retreat to the house where I start the blog and watch as two men deliver bags of vegetables and fruit  to our porch. My partner has sourced a delivering farm shop locally and is impressed with the quality of the goods. On slight hiccup is the volume of some of the vegetables. We now have enough carrots to enter into bartering. So that’s it until the evening’s entertainment, which for me might be a bath and a bash at some yoga maybe.

A go at yoga perhaps

Hopefully I might find something on Netflix to watch or an opera. I may also read as it will stimulate the letter writing content. My “go to stuff” at the moment is Kate Tempest. I found one of her books in my brief case and sat and read some of her poems in the shed over three digestive biscuits. She is truly a poet.

“The storm will pass”