A.G.A.I.G. DAY 49

My word what a day. The getting up was pretty routine as was getting my breakfast but I ended up eating it in the shed due to the aversion I have for the smell of boiled eggs, which my daughter insisted on eating in the lounge in front of the TV. I returned to the house post egg pong to set up the lounge so that I could attend my zoom meeting. Including 45 minutes for a lunch break this was a solid wall to wall Zoom fest from 10am to 3pm. We discussed, we SWOT analysed, bickered a bit and maturely parcelled out work and planned a not too distant future. That was most of the day over, at least I have tomorrow free now to set about the work and finish my tasks.

At the lunch break I check the post and find a card from a friend and in it there is “gold”. My friend has sent us yeast, yes yeast! Apparently, the good burghers of York have a supply and my friend parcelled some up and sent it in a card. I carefully decanted the yeast to an air tight jar as it had come loose from its containing brown envelope and sounded as if it might be a glitter bomb. So, a double pleasure of a card and the prospect of home baked bread. It was the most welcome diversion from the meeting to which I returned.

From meeting to walk. I don my walking gear and proceed to walk my front garden to back garden walk for over an hour. Although my legs ached from the other days the actual walk went by more quickly and I had a sense that my body was beginning to get the message that it was going to be doing this everyday from now on. Having included the patio in the walk my Fitbit tells me I am doing more floors than usual. I rest at the end on the garden swing seat contemplating the peony that has not taken kindly to the sharp drop in temperature over the last couple of days. Back in the house and I change back into my lounge gear and check my e-mails and my latest Amazon parcel. Canes for the garden and a couple of Sweet Pea rings. I clear the kitchen and settle down to watch the latest episode of Killing Eve. The end is inevitable but I found myself really not wanting to be so. No spoilers here, just watch it.

See the source image

My evening will be filed with reading and watching Grayson Perry’s Art Club. There is something magical about his relationship with his partner and the way they have a feel for what is important to each other. I watch it for this more than the art content. Just a different form of art I guess. Speaking of art I need to find out how to include information cards in videos. One last thought, anyone else confused by the latest COVID-19 advice?

Anyone confused?
Very much in tune with being a declared Jolly.