I woke up this morning feeling very iris and grandfather, which will become clearer later in the blog. Some days I just get the sense of something brewing, often it’s a poem other times its something else. But first things first there is the delight of a bacon sandwich to look forward to. My plan for the day is to reclaim the world, or more specifically to make the world come to me. If I cannot go out to walk for an hour then the walk comes to me and I use what I’ve got, to wit, a front and a back garden and a side way between them. So I have a circuit and the decision to take back my walking hour in the world. And to do that I need feet that can walk, all this shielding in slippers has seen toe nails grow beyond the comfortable length for walking in trainers. So first order of the day, after bacon sandwich, is to sort my toe nails. Your be relieved to know there is no gory video or pictures, so I move onto the walk. I don gym clothes, clip on my i-player, ramp up Rammstein and slap on the sun hat with visor. I am ready to walk. Walk I do for 1 hour and 7 minutes around my home route. All went well and I end up sitting happily on the garden swing seat happy with myself.

Lunch comes around, sandwich and apple and time to do the crosswords. I put my fleece into wash and get my camera to take photos of the pond, but I find that because the pond is netted the camera will not focus on my frog friend who is sitting in the middle of the pond. Sometimes things are just not meant to be. I decide its time to re-pot the four big tomato plants that have outgrown their pots. Always an enjoyable task to provide a small plant with the growing room to blossom into a full-grown specimen. It’s even more rewarding when the plants were looking droopy and lacking vigour who then perk up no end in their new pot with plenty of water retaining compost. These four plants responded splendidly and have settled down nicely.
I retreat to the shed to read and take my notebook with me intending to start the blog before tea time. What actually happens is I write a “poem” about irises and my grandfather.

I wake up all irises and grandfather.
Suddenly that blacksmith turned gardener
Is alive and well in my garden.
An army man, a mule man,
Returned from Empire
To find nothing to do
Only to remember.
His arms and chest ablaze,
Tattoos of a young soldier,
Bright, brazen, patriotic and oriental,
Artwork that cost him his bed
As his wife withdrew in shock
Only to forgive two weeks later.
Eight years of India and a sock full of rupees
That bought no work or bread.
Warrior no more it is the streets,
To search for work amongst
So many returning heroes disposed of.
Wandering and meandering along the river
From Chiswick to Kew Fred walked
To find an old veterans scheme.
For sixpence a day he could dig
And later plant and tend.
Kew Gardens was his work,
For life he would be natures manicurist
Whilst at home gas light turned electric,
Range became gas oven,
And the radio played music
While he still played dominoes.
One job lives on.
As great houses closed the garden collected
That which was rare or prized.
That day it was Irises, purple and sky blue
With scent sweet and strong.
My mother said he asked,
But a man who traded booze at the Khyber Pass
Under the cover of dark with locals
And then fought them in the light
Was not a man to ask,
I think he rescued them.
He brought those rare rhizomes home
To flower in his tiny garden.
When another war was waging
His daughter, with one of her own
Tucked under her arm found a flat
To which she clung for her returning man.
In that flat she raised the Irises of home
And to this day they bloom there.
Some good years, some bad
But they persist.
In my turn I set up home
And in turn my mother brings the irises.
In my turn I have lean years,
Sometimes years of abundance.
Recently the iris years have been poor
Despite my and Brian’s efforts.
Then this year in which I shield
From a world of threat
The irises set forth a profusion of flower stems.
Both beds are spiking skyward as never before.
I know not why but it is their time.
This summer I will smell again
Those childhood scents,
My own early family perfumes
And know patience and persistent care
Brings forth the beauty hidden there.
My world is, today,
All irises and grandfather,
Whose watch chain I still wear
As he did playing dominoes,
Smoking his pipe and answering
To the name of Snowy.
There you go, I just never know when they are going to make themselves manifest, usually they just remain as senses or feelings.
By the time I am finished its time to dash around getting the washing in as its started to rain. Panic over, washing in, its time to get indoors and get ready for tea and the rest of the evening. So chicken and desert later I settle down in front of Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency and write todays blog.