DVT DAY 49 (4 no injection)

A.G.A.I.G. DAY 34

I got up early again today as I am not sleeping long at the moment. So breakfast done by 7:30 and I am checking that my eldest daughters lap top has backed up. It has, I am a hero, her laptop is now fully functional, hurray!

Then onto down loading all the shared picture folders onto a hard drive so that they can be copied to my partners laptop. All goes well, but a lengthy process. Then it was time to load them up onto the laptop so they can be photoshopped. While all that is going on I clear the kitchen, replace light bulbs and open up the garden.

My partner gets up and we breakfast on bacon sandwiches (yes I know but there are times when a Hobbit second breakfast is essential). I check my Amazon orders and top them up to make sure we have all the IT drives and cases that we need. Along the way I find that it is now possible to buy Carex handwash in 5 litre cartons, I could not resist. Later in the day I check my orders and find I might have ordered two, not my intention but hey its not perishable. One last chore before getting out in to the garden, and that’s to organise the card board mountain that has collected in the hall. I take my box cutter to it and get it all into one large box, which I gaffer tape ready for collection. Now for the garden.

I set about clearing out some of the pots in the front garden with view to planting out some of the seedlings. Pots ready, I plant them up with a mixture of Cosmos and tomatoes plants. It will make a strange presentation when they all come to full bloom.

Within this tiny pond lurks at least 5 frogs, tadpoles and a surprise pair of newts.

With the planting done I sit by the pond on my gardening kneeler and watch the pond for frogs and if lucky the newt. Surprise surprise there are two newts and they seem to be a couple. What are baby newts called, newtlettes or ewfts, I do not know, something to google in an odd moment. Fortunately, I have my phone with me and take a video of my new found gems.

As promised: “The Newts!”

I retreat inside and write materials for Enabling Environment commitments I have this week. It is strange writing things for people who are out there working on the frontline of the criminal justice system. It’s difficult not to sound condescending or out of touch with reality when the real desire is to try and be supportive and recognise the excellent work they are doing. Time to close up the garden, the greenhouse and summer house before dinner and writing the blog.

Tomorrow is the day I go to the GP for my 28 day injection to keep my cancer at bay. With COVID19 all about us, I have to be kept in the car park until the nurse is ready to stab me. It means that I shall have a sore stomach for a couple of days and will bathe regularly to relieve the soreness. So tomorrow I shall take it easy and be kind to myself. I may well spend time sitting but the pond.