DVT DAY 48 (3 injection free)

By the Powers what a day! Avast yea, not only is it “speak like a pirate day” me heartys but it is also “found a NEWT in the pond” day. Blow me down in Davey Jones Locker a newt lurks. The knave was too quick about the deep to capture in picture but I will Nessie hunt the beast till I has a likeness.

What’s more landlubbers my jolly heave ho weights bench arrived so I can once again weigh anchor and set my jib to ripple. Furthermore matey, listen up scurvy tar, I be gettin’ my sea legs back by parading the unicycle down the gang plank. The suns up and the tide right for a spot of seafarin’.

Back in the binnacles eldest wench daughter an’ I did surf waves and harpooned ourselves a laptop fishy for few doubloons so that eldest can pull up anchor and rove da seas with all her learning cargo on board. This luckless slinger not dun bad, no hornswaggling here.
Well my scurvy knaves and salty dogs tis’ tot time as sun sets over the yard arm to eat and hornpipe gaily. Pass me the grog till I’m squiffy. Aye Aye its time to batten down the hatches.

Now that you mention pirates, you do look a little piratical, Roland. I wonder if you have pirate blood.