A.G.A.I.G DAY 321

Sunday: Weigh in day, so without any ado:

92.2 Kilos

Cracked it! I’ve achieved my first goal of being 92 kilos before my oncologist appointment on Tuesday. So I have earned my treat this week which will be 5 segments of a chocolate orange with dinner tonight.

So as today is a rest day I the complete the painting touch up in the kitchen, watch rugby, order a celebatory retro ice hockey jersey and T shirt from the Arizona Coyotes, chat to my youngest daughter on face time and cook a pork chop one pot for dinner. That is a lazy, celebratory, non training day of rest and recreation.

Tonight I write the blog, tweek the Tesco order and prepare to watch the Super Bowl. I could get addicted to days like this but tomorrow its back to being an adult and trying to be a reasonable rational adult; tricky with my crew of pixies looking after the cogs, wheels and levers in my head.

Of course the week brings the results of my scans, another wrestle with my oncologist and the prospect of being signed off from the DVT clinic on Thursday. So quiet a lot to come together and it will need to be processed. You will hear it first here.

The wind blows across my clock this week.
Compass to compass the diretion is clear