A.G.A.I.G DAY 319

Friday and it shoud be a day free of work and tasks but today is different. Today I have a blood test to give blood for and a one to one meeting with a colleague from work. So I am up and on my way out to the GP surgery early. Its the usual routine, arrive, ring reception to tell them I have arrived and then go and hang around at the back door. The nurse opens the door and ushers me into the clincial room where I slip out of my jacket and bare my arm for her to draw blood from my arm. These are the test results that I will get over the weekend prior to my oncology appointment on Tuesday. Blood safely in its sample vials I am escorted out of the back door.

Once home I have a bacon breakfast accompanied by coffee and drugs and settle down to review my to do list and emails. I find myself thinking about work and working out a timetable for the tasks in hand. Because of my afternoon commitments I work out I need to train in the morning while my partner and youngest daughter go for their daily walk. So I get into my training gear and head for the garage as this is a rowing day.

A good session and indicates that I am getting fitter as I lose my excess weight. I end up in front of my laptop screeen for a meeeting still in my training gear clutching a 7UP. The meeting turns out to be an interesting one and by the end of it I have a new meeting to go to on Monday with a colleague. It’s an interesting piece of work but one I cannot talk about. I also come away with a new client to contact and to start working with. So I am going to be busy for a while to come.

I bounce from one meeting to another to talk about training in the future. This meeting is always a pleasure as it means I can catch up with an old friend. As we chat I am invited to provide a couple of presentations in the coming months. This is a pleasant surprise and will provide me with a good diversion as it will make me have some thinking time about what I want to say. One of them is far enough off for it to be planned to be live in a yurt with no WiFi, which opens up alsorts of possibilites like interpretive dance!

Meeting over I head for the long awaited bath. Bath bombed of course I recline and listen to meditation music and enjoy the feel of the warmth of the water around me. A friend phones and we chat about work and the relief of getting to the weekend and having time to relax. We also chat about the intricacies of pocket money, take aways and other critical issues that make life worthwhile.

Time to dine and then an evening of some TV and writing the blog in spurts. As ever on blood vampire days I shall stay up till midnight when the blood results are posted on the App that lets me see them. It maybe that the PSA score will be delayed as it was last time. Tomorrow is internatioal rugby, training and some light research of the new client and reading some briefing papers for Mondays meetings. Today has some real highlights in it. One was part of a conversation I had about the music I plan for my funereal but we got onto the celebration part of the day and pretty soon we got to the party bag contents. I am truly gripped by the idea of creating party bags to be given out at the end of my cremation ceremony. I realise this might feel a little insensitive but I think you have to find fun where you can these days.

The seeds of time await spring