Sunday, weigh in day. A very disappointing 92.8 kilos, a rise of 0.5 kilos. It set the tone of the day. Apart from a walk with my partner to deliver a birthday gift to one of her friends who lived in the village I’ve done very little all day. A little preparation for an up coming TC accreditation review is about all I have done of any constructive nature. Refilling the soap dispensers has been my only domestic contribution. Apart from that I’ve watched sport and then suffered bloody David Attenborough telling us what shits humans are and how the planet is dying followed by a TV drama documenting the pain and aftermath of a woman being widowed and failing to manange to survive. With the joys of tomorrows monthly jab due I’ve just about had enough by the time I get to write the blog. Unlike Pink Floyd I am uncomfortabley numb, but the song is worth a listen anyway; turn the volume up!