A.G.A.I.G DAY 310

So Wednesday rolls around and I get up and get into my training gear to have breakfast in as its an early training day due ot my other activities later in the day. So I get over breakfast and check my emails. I check my work diary and then head for the shed to train for an hour on the bike.

As I leave the shed I notice a brave spring soldier on the shed and take a picture that tells me Spring is not that far off.

The first soldier of Spring?

I return to the house and run a bath. While waiting for it to fill and swallow up a bath bomb I open my Amazon parcels and find my new phone case, a rather fetching rose gold case to match the phone.

Post bath and I eat lunch, it will be the last thing I eat before going for my scan later. I keep myself occupied until it’s time to go for my COVID jab. I go to the car and try to put the post code into the sat nav but find the sat nav will not accept it. I drive off relying on my memory of the map I looked at yesterday. My faith in myself was well founded as I found the GP surgery in the next village down the road without any problem. I queued, signed my consent form while in the queue and then bared my arm when requested to. It did not take long at all. I end up with a cloud on my arm and a card to say what I have had.

Fluffy cloud
The Card of Smug

I do as I am told and sit in the car before driving home. I was supposed to wait 15 minutes but got bored after 7 minutes and drove home. Once home I drink coffee and wait to see if I am going to get any side effects. Before I know it its time to drive to the hospital to have my CT scan. I get there and to my delight find there are no parking charges. The multi storey is almost empty and I barely met a soul on the way to th x-ray department.

Not a soul in sight at x-ray

I get to X-ray reception to find a phone and a notice asking me to ring an extension number. A sort of do it yourself reception. I ring and get directed to CT3 and told to wait. A nurse comes out and takes me into the clincial room having checked my paper work. “Which arm do you want the canula in? she asked. It was at this point I remember this bit of the CT scan, another needle.

Another day another canula.

So canula in the arm I am given two cups of water to drink and I am then collected and taken into the scan room. I lie down and a very friendly operator reminds me that the stuff about to be pumped into my arm will make me feel like I have wet myself. Oh goody something else that I forgot, another joy. So I lay on the machine and hold my breathe when told to and listen to the machine whirr and click. Its over quickly and I’m released to go and wait for them to check the images and take the canula out of my arm.

The magic CT scan.

Canula out I drive home and spend my evening eating and waiting for side effects. I write the blog and get ready for the night ahead. Tomorrow I am back at work with meetings and an open forum to host. So far so good.

One day we will swim again in the oceans and the pools