DVT 314

A.G.A.I.G DAY 299

Saturday and no vaccine call yet, thats the troube with being young. At only 72 and one half years old and vulnerable it feels like some one is dragging their feet. So its carry on as Saturdy normal, with the ritual filling of the drugs wallet for the week and the bacon and egg breakfast with real coffee. Its a slow and easy morning. Out of the blue a delivery arrives, the new curtains expected Tuesday, are early. So I spend some happy time taking the temporary ones down and getting the new ones up.

Our favoured curtains arrive early.

So we will let them hang for a while and then see about whether we want to shorten them or not and then of course there is the string tensioning to be done. My partner and eldest daughter go for a walk to the shops so I take the opportunity to make a loaf and sort out the pile of recycyling in the hall. I sort a few mini chores and then settle down to watch a football match.

I am beggining to lose interest in football, it lacks something without the crowds and as an observer there is a limit to how much excitement I am wiling to generate myself over a game, plus I am finding the game more tediuos to watch. I watched the hightlights of the Arizona Coyotes against the Sharks this morning, Coyotes lost but it was a great game of ice hockey, which is fast, skillful, rough and elegant.

See the source image
The Coyotes shirt

Bored with football I change into my training gear and go for a row in the garage.

Not a bad session, I am just hopping that tomorrow when I leap on the scales that I have lost weight and earned a rest day. Out of my training gear I eat tea and settle down to a couple of films. Its a lazy way to spend an evening and feels wasteful in some way but sometimes I just want to do nothing as a way of looking after myself. Tomorrow I shall try to do a bit more with my brain beyond the papers easy crossword.

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