DAY 313

A.G.A.I.G DAY 298

Friday, scan day so I am up and having a bacon breakfast before getting ready to drive to the hospital. What to wear, always a problem so I end up lookng like I am going on a bank raid.

Cancer battler or bank robber? Tricky decision.

The drive was devoid of incident apart from a minor road works. So at 9:30 I am sitting in nuclear medcine waiting to be called.

This is a two stage process. The first stage is to pump radioactive liquid into me and send me away for two and half hours before scanning me.

Once again I aquire a fluffy cloud.

So having been pumped with goo I drive home and while away a couple of hours. Just time to tidy up and organsie a few chores. Then it was back in the car and off to the hospital. This time I went strsaight to the pre jabbed waiting room.

Not another soul in site just chairs socially distanced

Its not long before I get called into the camera room and asked to remove everything that is metal. I hop up onto the machine and settle down for 25 minutes of relaxation and let the machine scan me from head to toe. The technian tells me we are done and there is no need to do any more as the doctor is satisfied with the quality of the scan. I reclaim my metal and take a snap of the scanner.

The scanner that hosted me for my 25 minute relax.

I went home and had coffee and hoovered around feeling somewhat anticlimatic. So I decide to make a pie for the evening meal.

So organised, the ingredients bubble away.

The pie comes together and I head for the shed and an hour on the bike.

While I pedal my way through Steve Wrights Serious Jockin session a friend rings me and we chat about how tricky it is to keep routines that maintain good mental health. It is frustrating when you do all you can to keep your own mental health good and others feel unable to do it for themselves and as a result start to throw their dissatisifaction around. Of course the aim is to make you feel bad that you are doing what they are struggling with, the tricky bit is that they are trying to get you to feel like them, a sort of dumping their dissatisfaction in you. Personally I’ve got enough of my own crap to deal with without taking on anyone elses so staying clear about whats mine and what belongs to someone else is crucial for my own health. Sometimes life is too short to put up with others peoples stuff and doing what you want to do is the way forward.

Back in the house I change, put my washing on and start the blog while my partner has an end of week bath before we set about the newly cooked pie. Tonight who knows, a film perhaps, or read, pay my tax bill, write letters or just sit in the dark and see if I glow.