DT DAY 304

A.G.A.I.G DAY 289

Wednesday and nothing in the diary so its going to be a busy day, the Christmas decorations need to come down as this is twelfth night. So after a muesli breakfast I set about denuding the Christmas tree having got the storage boxes out of the loft. It takes hours, literally, to take each bauble, drop and inch of tinsel and wrap it. Each of the trinkets is carefully put in its box ready to go back in the loft for another year. The lights are the last things to come off the tree, leaving the tree bare.

Finally the tree is bare

So now its time to get Christmas packed away in the loft, which takes a while as I hump the boxes and bags into their allotted spot. Eventually done its time for coffee and a break before I hack the tree up.

Xmas stowed for another year.

Post coffee I set about taking the tree apart and filling the garden recycling bin. There’s a lot of branches on this tree but I gradually got it down to its trunk A bit of sawing using the tree pruning saw got the trunk into three bits that fitted the bin. Just the sweeping and hoovering to be done in an endeavour to avoid finding pine needles for the next several months. Ultimately its done, the tree gone, the TV back in the bay, the cards taken down. The only Christmas things left is the pretty lights strung up in the hall way along the stairs. It is all good until this…

The solid inner egg from a set of nativity babushka dolls

Yep that’s right the inner egg of the nativity babushka dolls is sitting there on the sofa while its outer eggs are now sitting wrapped, boxed, contained and stacked in the loft. Cannot be left, so at some point I am going to have to get up in the loft, dig the dolls out, open them all and pop their star egg into the middle of them. Not to do so would mean a starless next year. So having go to this happy place I decide its time to train, so its off to the shed for me to cycle for an hour.

After an hour on the bike I am knackered but clear the kitchen and then change. I settle down for the first time on the sofa and reflect on the day. Over the day work colleagues and friends have contacted me. Without fail each of them is trying to reorganise life to cope with the new lockdown. Those with children are facing really tricky juggling tasks and at the back of it there is the anxiety of how they are going to manage to function for work, for children and maintain their own well being. I realise how fortunate I am and how lucky my family are at the moment. Serendipity is being kind to me in that I started my new exercise and diet regime just before the lockdown so I have something of a routine or at least things I do daily. It is a time for direction and grim determination. As the distance increases so the single mindedness of getting to the other side becomes more intense. My parents generation survived two world wars with no internet, rationing and no TV, so it can be done.

Tomorrow I need to get on with some Enabling Environment work, there are meetings to do, open forums to host and training to organise. Some where in there I need to row and source curtains. What I really want to do is write letters on the new writing paper that arrived today.

Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow until we prevail.