DT DAY 303

A.G.A.I.G DAY 288

Tuesday, and after a night in the spare bed with the rigid mattress to easy my back, I was not feeling spring lamb like at all. So a smoothie and bacon breakfast later I settle down to a morning of odd jobs until I check my emails and find I have a one to one at the end of the morning. Of course this means I need to check my commitments and make sure I know what I am doing or at least what I said I would do. So by the time the meeting comes around I am ready and set up in the bedroom where the sun wont get in my eyes during the meeting. It goes well. Of course the issue is what we are supposed to do in response to a new COVID lockdown. Like every one else we are caught on the hop and will have to play it by ear. After the meeting I send a few work emails and contact colleagues.

Once the admin has been done I get into my training kit and get off to the garage and the rowing machine. Its cold and I am being careful to take care of my back. Thirty minutes later I am done, achy but not sweaty as the chill of the garage had kept me cool.

I realise I have not eaten for a while and do myself soup, then I head for a bath to ease my back out. Another of my Christmas present bath bombs, this one a glitter ball. I soak and soak, and soak until I wrinkle and get bored with listening to Spotify., specifically Lorde, who I like but takes me back to the good old personality disorder days. There a limit to PD material I can take.

I clear the kitchen and pick up work emails and settle to watch TV and find Boris giving a press briefing. Record COVID infections and over 800 deaths coupled with an estimate that 2% of the population is infected, which very quickly was interpreted as 1 in 50 people is infected. Part way through a friend rings me as she is going to collect her daughter from school. We talk about how this lockdown is affecting people and the way things may change. The way everyone is having to adapt and be creative to get through this lockdown will determine how well people come out the other side of it.

I settle back to the TV and tea. I am of course distracting myself from the fact that I cannot watch my team Brentford play in the cup semifinal against Spurs. It would be a major upset if they won but I maintain true fan hope.

Tomorrow is 12th night, time for the tree to come down.