A.G.A.I.G DAY 287

Monday 8 o’clock and in 50 minutes I’m being jabbed. So its a sprint, well more of a motivated stumble really, towards the kitchen to grab a breakfast of muesli and coffee. By the time I am dressed and ready its almost appointment time. A dash in the partners car and I am outside the GP ringing them to tell them I have arrived and currently waiting at the back door like the vulnerable leper I am. It cold, bloody cold and I am beginning to have abandonment fantasies when the nurse appears dressed in the latest PPE gear. I hand her the injection in a box and settle down on the bench adjusting the clothing to accommodate the impending jab. Left side this month, usually the better side. “Sharp scratch” and I am being pumped full of stuff to keep me castrated like a later day sex offender. Once I am full of my drug I readjust my clothing and ready my right arm full a jab of B12. Another “sharp scratch” and I’ve got B12 for three months.

I drive home and immediately change into my training gear, its a case of if I do not train now I will not. So I pull on the gear and head for the shed. Its cold so the heater goes on full blast and I mount up for an hours hard work. Its hard to start with but I get into a rhythm and strip layers an take regular drinks. At the end of the hour I’m done.

I check my new garden camera to what it has caught. It caught me about to open the camera. I go in doors and get changed, have coffee and tidy up a bit. I settle on the sofa and start to write letters. Its where I stay for a while until lunch time. An omelette later I return to my letter writing. I eventually get to the point when its time to go to the post box. Its cold out so I make haste to get back and get the evening meal started. A curry tonight. I write more blog till the meal is ready and then after eating I get ready for the next Boris announcement. I friend sends me Boris bingo to play during the broadcast.

A friend sends me this prior to Boris broadcast

All I want is to get to the Tesco delivery and then to bed as the post jab chills and junky impersonation is coming on. But right now I’m going to play Boris Bingo.

The best possible way to spend 5 minutes seven seconds. Be kind to yourself