A.G.A.I.G DAY 274

Tuesday and the end of the to do list is in sight. breakfast as usual and then some tidying up to do. Today was a prosaic day of getting ready for the whole household to log off and stop working. It is coming down to the last chores of turkey collection, veg storing and doing the restricted Santa run to relatives in the village.. Still the odd Amazon afterthought arrives. In this case some more lights that I put up in the hall way at the same time as I hook the seasonal wreath on the front door.

There is yet another set of lights to go up but I am restricted by the number of available sockets. I also attend to tidying up some loose ends at work and send the services I work with an electronic Christmas card.

The words that went with it were more jolly and positive. At the end of the morning a friend rings and we have time for a prolonged catch up and chat. Her children are very excited about being excited about being excited about Christmas. Which I think says it all. We compared notes on our state of Christmas readiness and compared to do lists. We also compared the way our families have had to compromise in the face of the latest COVID restrictions and how that has created heartache and the need to adapt. It would seem every reasonable rational family is having to accommodate the discomforts and disappointments this Christmas. It was however good to know that we are not alone in trying to stick to the rules and trying to adapt the best we can. It feels like there is no real wining in this situation at all. It was a good conversation and a good reminder of what this isolation is costing all of us. Its patience that will get us back to where we would like to be.

Post lunch I was hanging lights, tidying and finalising the Tesco delivery, which prompted me to book another slot post Christmas. It mean an eleven day break between deliveries but I see this as a blessing as we will have to eat our turkey mountain. I think we are now sorted in to 2021 just in time for a no deal Brexit and a gallop up the tiers. Just how many tiers do you think Boris can create between now and Easter? The family stop working, turn off computers, come off line and sigh a sigh of relief. My partner and eldest daughter go off to do the relatives Santa drop, which affords me the chance to trim and oil my beard my beard for Christmas. In the post decorating throw out I threw away my expensive but unused beard oils, so I had to resort to baby oil from my overnight travel bag.

So with the lights twinkling in the hall, the family out of work we settle down to await my partners singing teacher to arrive to deliver a Christmas present to her. In the meantime while we wait I order smoothies from an internet supplier in anticipation of my post Christmas food guilt. I know I am going to over eat, over sugar myself and get really dissatisfied with my self at which point I will begin to train like a loony, radically amend my diet and swear to a life of abstinence and artistic endeavour. We wait till the event has taken place before for we eat and relax for the evening. Having eaten I settle on the sofa to write the blog. I intend an early shower and an early night after all this man has to be up and off to collect the turkey and the turkey breast early in the morning. We will tour the local farm shops to top up with local butter, cheese and milk and whatever local pie makers have to offer. As long as we are back by 2pm in time for the now much amended Tesco order to arrive. With that done Christmas cannot come quickly enough. I am like my friends child, excited about feeling excited about Christmas and determined to enjoy it regardless of what is happening in the rest of the world. I am aware that this is not quite the spirit of Christmas but if I have to isolate then I am going to enjoy it to the fullest while I am able.