A.G.A.I.G DAY 272

Sunday, I wake and find my partner already on the phone talking to the hospital about how her mum is doing. Its a long call but some of the unclear areas are clarified, which make the conversation with her mum easier later. Breakfast and then it is time to do something about the mountain of cardboard, packaging and jettisoned “stuff” that is sitting in the hall way. However before breakfast is over I’ve ordered a new mirror for the back bedroom following the window shaped mirror theme. I was initially miffed to find the one that would do the job can only be collected from the store after about three hours. I press the go button not expecting to hear from the store for a long time but almost immediately I get a text to say I can collect the mirror immediately. My youngest daughter rings and we discuss what the new COVID restrictions means for our Christmas arrangements. She and her partner can no longer come to us for the five days that we planned. We agree that they will come on Christmas eve and leave on Boxing day. I know she is disappointed and upset but I think this is the best adaptation we can make. After the call I decide to do battle with the cardboard mountain in the hall way. I bag, I fold, I crunch and I take a sledge hammer to the bins contents to compact them enough to take the new waste. Finally after stuffing, ramming and compressing I get everything into the bins and the Hippobag, which is now waiting to be whisked away. So at last for the first time in months the hall is clear.

While I have been beavering away my partner and daughter have been putting new cushion covers on new cushions to match the new colour scheme in the lounge. It works well and lifts the room.

My partner and daughter go for a walk while I continue to put stuff away and walk in the garden organising the shed. I notice that the flowers are already showing signs of budding and that there are fresh green shoots of bulbs poking through. I find the hint of spring encouraging and strengthening.

When my partner returns from her walk we get in the car and go to the store to collect the mirror. Because I have elected to “click and collect” I can text my car details to the store so that when I arrive someone comes out to the car with my goods. I am dubious but it works brilliantly. We drive home and drop the mirror off and go to the garden centre and buy a Christmas tree and some food. Once home I set about hanging the mirror, which goes relatively well. Our decision to put mirrors in the bedrooms to reflect the wallpapered walls appears to work. It adds light, depth and colour to the rooms, so we are pleased with ourselves.

Once again the mirror choice is good.

I clear away my tools and settle down to watch “His Dark Materials” over tea. I have to say I’m not as captivated as I was, I have got to the stage where I think I need to read the books as I am clearly missing something in the TV version. A combination of football and Sport Personality of the Year occupy me until I abandon the TV to write the blog. Tomorrow I shall bring the tree in and set the lights up but the dressing of the tree will be the task of the rest of the household.

We are almost there, heating system working, house redecorated and fresh. We have an environment in which to ride out the worst a winter can throw at us. Now there is only my partners hospitalised mother, my cancer and the grind of working from home to contain and deal with, Oh yes and Christmas and new year. Alongside this is the constant of missing friends, missing conversations and missing the ideas and thoughts of others. It restricts the ability to make meaning of what all this is, one of the advantages of diversity and engagement.