A.G.A.I.G DAY 270

Yep its raining, again. I get up, take meds and cook a bacon gluten free bagel. Gluten free bagels taste crap, I wont be doing that again. The first learning point of the day. The guy who tidies our garden turns up for the last session of the year. I make him tea and listen to him talk about his work and agree what needs doing this morning. Once he is under way I go to the local shop and buy Newcastle Brown and a paper. I note the young couple that come in without masks. I avoid them and wish them ill. Returning home I wrap up a gardening book and the bottles of beer. I find a box to put them in and wrap it up with a card. My partner delivers it to the gardener and pays him before he heads off.

I start to put the pictures back on the walls during which the post arrives. Christmas cards, one includes a surprise letter, which is a very welcome distraction but what was most exciting and cruelly disappointing was a wooden Christmas post card from a friend and her family. Yes a wooden postcard Christmas card, a delight, but it is in a plastic bag with “Our Sincere Apologies” emblazoned across the top if it.

Some how the Post Office has managed to break a wooden postcard! The card is lovely and is signed by all the family, I am really touched by it and consequently monumentally pissed off that that some twat has managed to damage a wooden postcard.

I vow to follow the instructions on the plastic bag and complain bitterly to the post office. I will see what happens. Ideally I would want a sacrificial apology to the family, preferably someone flagellating themselves publicly.

I return to hanging pictures and trying to empty boxes. Of course I cannot remember where all the pictures go and of course the decorators have mislaid one or two of the picture pins. I do quite well and end up with only two small pictures that I have no hooks for. We are getting to the tricky point of any redecorating, that tricky point of deciding what is destined for the Hippo Megabag, the loft or a new place in the house. I already know that some of my trinkets/gifts/memorabilia will be boxed and lofted. Now that COVID has relocated and reallocated working spaces the old arrangement of “Nick Nacks” has to change to reflect who occupies the space. The question is whether I can get shelves up in the shed before Christmas, actually thinking about it I am pretty sure that I have a set of shelves stashed in the garage.

As evening sets in I settle to watching some rugby and thinking about the coming week and how I am going to go into the new year. One relief is that the RCP are actually going to pay my August to November invoices, which of course has been balanced out by the decorators bill arriving. What comes in flows out, it was ever thus. Time for drugs and bed.