DVT 278

A.G.A.I.G DAY 263

Friday starts slowly with coffee in bed. The decorators arrive and as they get to hanging wallpaper I get to checking my e-mails and the other phone messages. Amongst them a message from the ombudsman and her final statement and decision on our claim that arose out of our Jamaican adventure when my kidneys packed up. Basically she confirmed the initial conclusion by her office staff, so we will never recover the money we lost through an insurance company that reneged on their promise to pay the repatriation costs in full. So we will be awarded a small sum for the inconvenience and poor services we received adn that will be it as once the ombudsman has pronounced the outcome is legally binding on all parties with no appeal. So that chapter closes.

I get up and bumble through the morning eating a quick bowl of rabbit food and organising things like a to do list. In effect I keep myself out of the way and find myself just waiting for the decorators to finish for the day. I get a message from a friend who is having a small but painful procedure to her face today as she waits in the hospital. There is a break and then more messages post op as she recovers. Later in the day the anesthetic wears off and the pain sets in. Someone else not having a fun day but getting through.

The day drifts a little until I ring my sister to tell her that DPD are delivering her Christmas parcel from us. A call with my sister is always interesting and this one was as well. It did not last as long as usual as she had an appointment to attend. The morning continued to drift until I get a call from a friend and I have a welcome conversation with her about the how the real world is going. During this time the guy who comes and tidies the garden arrived and set about planting bulbs and clearing away the debris.

The day goes on and the decorators pack up for the day at about lunchtime. The kitchen and the dining are done leaving just the library room and the hall to do next week. I eagerly go to see what the newly finished areas look like. I go, I see and I am mightily pleased.

The afternoon goes down hill as there is a message that tells me a friend has been taken to hospital after a stroke. I am taken aback but before I can process this news we learn that my partners mother who is in hospital with a broken leg has now tested COVID positive. Another fact to add to the growing backpack of issues to be carried. I have a zoom call with a friend and talk about work and our respective Christmas plans and the effect COVID is gong to have. To stick to the rules or not, either way we were both expecting there to be a third COVID spike post Christmas.

By the time the household gets to the end of the working day everyone just wants to sit and stare into space for while. Of course in this modern era we stare at our phones and source a mirror for the bedroom. Having satisfied something or other we feast on fish and chips and settle down to watching The Prestige, a really good film. I settle down to write the blog and plan tomorrow. In theory a new microwave is coming, which I shall wrestle with either before or after I put up the new blind in the office. After that it is a matter of putting all our displaced stuff back into some sort of order. I foresee the biggest issues being the decisions about what art work goes back up, what gets stored and what new stuff gets put up. By the end of the weekend it will be time to fill the hippobag.