A.G.A.I.G DAY 262

Thursday and its 8 o’clock and I am handed coffee and a bacon sandwich in bed! The painting elves are taking over the kitchen and the dining area to day so I am being fed pre elves arrival. I get up and dress, take drugs and organise my day in the back bedroom. I do a bit of editing of a paper a colleague and I have in preparation. I get a call from a friend who is waiting for her local post office to open at ten and we chat about our days to come. At ten she gets in to the post office and I go to my first Zoom meeting of the day and spend an hour and a half with colleagues sorting out content for another meeting on Monday. We have modeled it on scrooge with me being the Christmas of enabling environments in the future. It means I can make up any old rope and spin it how I want. I have a sense that people just want to get to Christmas and beyond.

I get a pleasant surprise of a chicken and stuffing roll from our local take away cafe as it is during these COVID days. There is not a lot of time before I am busy again hosting an open forum. I enjoy this time talking to people about how they are coping with being managers during the COVID pandemic. It seems to me that people have acquired a whole new skill set of service management in pandemic that have become grafted onto their ordinary management skills. I wish some how we could find a way to recognise this.

Time to train, I cannot get to the garage to use the rower so its back to the shed for me and the cycle. I have decided that I will train when it is light and when it is winter. I get on board the bike and give it as good as I can for an hour. Over the hour it gets dark, rains and the temperature drops. The painting elves tip toe away under the cover of dark. I return to the house and set about having a shower. It stops and tells me that I have low water pressure just at the point my hair is well lathered along with 70% of my body. I prowl down stairs wrapped in a towel to the boiler to find it is working perfectly and stomp back to the bathroom and swear at the shower. It then works perfectly. I finish my shower and spray myself with Calvin Klein and start to tidy some of the house. In doing so I find our first Christmas card. A creation from one of my nephews son ( I do not know what these are called in the scheme of family relatives.) and we love it.

I potter around while my partner cooks dinner and I sort out the laptop TV combo that will let me watch football. We find to time to rehang some curtains at the window on the stairs. I eat and watch. After 30 minutes I am looking at rugs on my partners i-pad. 2 nil up and with five minutes to go we buy a new lounge rug. My partner retreats to the bath and I write the blog. By tomorrow we hope the decorators will have finished all but one room and the rest of the hall way. At the moment we have glimpses of what the final look will be, we await the wallpaper.

We glimpse the future, tomorrow we will see it revealed fully. Until then there is a kitchen to clear and sleep to be had.