Friday and its a day of stuff, of bits and pieces, of filling cars and pumping tyres, of packing up parcels to go abroad, of dropping in to a garden centre to buy pies and trying to get money back from an away break that can no longer be gone to. Its been that sort of day, bits of busy, like buying hippo bags and forgetting to take my morning drugs. Of course this all came after a trip to the GP to have my blood taken. Its in preparation for my oncology appointment next Tuesday, so if I am lucky I might get them just after midnight. Happy start to the weekend, perhaps. When not doing stuff there was time to take a call from a friend and to chat about the everyday and the frustrations that Tier 3 brings. So this evening passes in odd small jobs and tidying until I get the joy of watching The Good The Bad and The Ugly, still a classic.
Tomorrow can wait until I see my results and then I will take it from there.