DVT 259

A.G.A.I.G DAY 244

Sunday lay in and a lazy breakfast of bacon rolls at about 11 0’clock, after all there is lots to and one has to have ones strength to push on through. So once the bacon rolls and fresh coffee hit is over and the weekly drugs wallet is stocked its time to sort out Christmas presents for the grandchildren in Sweden. The Swedish post office is so shit that I no longer send my son and family anything through the post as it is highly unlikely to ever arrive. If it does then the post office will not release it without a DNA profile and blood test. So after a prolonged session of finding wish lists and getting to grips to gift bags and Swedish delivery I finally get the job done apart from one item that will need to come via me. Alas this means it probably wont get to Sweden in time for Easter.

Flushed with success I watch France beat Scotland at rugby and hen start the preparations for the decorators coming tomorrow, but not before getting my weeks washing underway. Its a mystery how much stuff can be crammed into a single bathroom cabinet, let alone the buckets of shampoo and body emoluments that accumulate in every corner of the bathroom. The landing area rapidly becomes a health and safety hazard as boxes of bathroom impedimenta get stacked on it. So scuttling around doing this and that I get to tea time, Strictly Come Dancing, His Dark Materials and old Have I Got News For You while waiting for the football highlight. As I wait for the football highlights I write the blog and vaguely wonder what I’ve forgotten to do and whether anyone still read the blog.

Tomorrow will be an adventure as the decorators turn up early and we “the slugabed family” endeavour to be ready for them to start at 8:30. I have a busy day of meetings and shed time to look forward to as well as the joys of the decorators.