Saturday, Florentine making day before watching the rugby. I told a friend I would post the recipe for my Florentines now that I have perfected it.

Roland’s Florentines; Makes 18.
- 50 grams unsalted butter
- 50 grams soft brown sugar
- 50 grams golden syrup
- 50 grams plain flour
- 100 grams sultanas
- 100 grams flaked almonds
- 50 grams glace cherries (chopped finely)
- 50 grams candied peel
- 200 grams dark chocolate
- Zest of 1 orange
- Any other decoration you like; gold leaf, hundreds and thousands, ect. Or not.
First put oven on to heat at 180 C (Fan)
Second line three baking trays with baking parchment, lightly greased with butter.
Thirdly put the butter, sugar and golden syrup in a saucepan. Do not heat yet.
Fourthly put the flour, cherries, sultanas, flaked almonds, candied peel, in a bowl and mix together.
Now the fun starts.
- Heat the butter, sugar and golden syrup in the pan until it all melts and the sugar stops being granular.
- When the mixture is liquid remove from heat and add the flour, cherries, peel, sultanas and almond mix to it. Stir until mixed completely.
- Take a TEA SPOON of the mixture and put on to the baking tray. ONLY six to a tray. You should have 18 portions on the three trays.
- Put trays into the oven for 8 minutes. NO MORE. They spread thinly and will burn if left longer than the 8 minutes.
- After 8 minutes remove the trays from the oven. DO NOT TRY TO REMOVE THE FLORENTINES. Leave to cool for at least 5 minutes or longer.
- Remove using a spatula to a cooling rack and leave to cool totally. Keep the papered trays.
- Melt the chocolate in a bowl over a pan of hot water and add the zest of an orange to it as it melts. Melt the chocolate completely and then remove from the heat.
- I put the undipped Florentines in the fridge for a few minutes before dipping them in the chocolate.
- Dip each Florentine in the chocolate and put back onto the papered tray to set. I put the trays in the fridge for a few minutes to help them set but not essential.
- When the Florentines are set, decorate if you want to or just tuck in.
- I store my Florentines in a tin.
So there you have it, Roland’s Florentines.
The rest of the day has been collating work data from a survey and watching rugby. I write the blog which watching “Safe” the most unbelievable drama with the most unlikely plot.