A.G.A.I.G. DAY 23

Today is sunny and I am up and breakfasted earlier than usual. I give the poorly laptop one more try, but it hangs every time in the set up process. This reinforces my sense that the basic organs of the machine are not well, either that or the version of Windows 10 is corrupt. I retreat to the shed and set it up before returning to the house to self-inject and go through my self check routine. I decide to video myself with a view to putting it on the blog. I usually hide his away but it defeats the object of writing an honest blog warts and all if I do this, so for those interested the video is below.

The getting the video into the blog was a major undertaking as the video was too big to just transfer into it. So, I am now the proud owner of my own YouTube channel. I had to establish a channel and then up load the video to get a URL to use in the blog. It was an interesting experience getting the channel up and running. At the moment the video is only available to those with the URL, but I think that because I have embedded the URL in the blog you should be able to see the video here.


Having spent the rest of the morning in the shed writing a letter I was ready for lunch, a delicious bacon sandwich. I joined the therapeutic community reflection space hosted by a colleague for the Royal College of Psychiatrists Therapeutic Community quality network. Those who came to the space were all prison therapeutic community workers trying to deal with the COVID19 situation. It was a useful time and one that looks like it will continue for a while. I left the space expecting to go to another meeting but found that it had been rescheduled for tomorrow. I then spent time trying to access the work done by a colleague in readiness for the now 9am meeting tomorrow to find that I could not down load it due to the royal college of psychiatrist IT security blocking it. A real aggravation but one I did not have the patience to deal with.

I return to the garden and prick out more seedlings, so my temporary greenhouse is now pretty full and I need to think about managing the space and the timing of the next round of sowing. At this rate I will have a harvest all of my own for months in the autumn.


Time for dinner and a phone call before I settle down to write the blog, and that’s when the fun started and I had to find out how to get a YouTube channel. So, I come full circle. My evening then is blog and DEVs. Tomorrow I’m all meetings.