A.G.A.I.G. DAY 226

Wednesday and I lay in bed till 9:30 and I hear my phone ring downstairs. I get up and return the call to a friend and then have breakfast, I watch the American presidential election but get bored very quickly as this saga is going to run and run. We might even get to see the second American civil war, which would be interesting if tragic. It would be a shame if bigotry and ignorance forces the reasonable and rational into a violent conflict. Maybe it’s a lesson that if liberal democracy is to survive it might eventually have to defend itself in the streets and it won’t be non- violent because you cannot change bigotry overnight and you cannot educate ignorance quickly.

I undertake a pedicure. Ever since I dropped a weight plate on my big toe years ago it’s been a problem but since chemo therapy exacerbated the problem keeping it comfortable has been a challenge. I view it as a farrier task and approach it as if my toe is a hoof and treat it as such. So taking my cutters and files to it I shape it into a reasonable shape and depth. The task complete I oil my nails and get on with life.

I set about a work task. I am designing an information booklet but in order to do so I have to download documents, change their format, edit them and reorganise them. Life is never simple and I have to move folders from one laptop to another to do the conversions and them back to the original where the software I need is located. It takes hours, literally and before I know it I’ve had lunch, watched the garden guy come and go, talked to friend on the phone, its gone five o’clock.

There was so much I wanted to do in the light but now I shall watch football, eat dinner and then write the blog feeling dissatisfied that I have “missed a trick” and wasted my time. My to do list for tomorrow is now much longer. I guess I will catch up, maybe. What I have found is that I have lost spell check on the updated Word Press platform that the blog is on. Such a pain.