A.G.A.I.G DAY 21

I write the blog at 23:36 having been embroiled with the resurrection of a laptop. It is a Toshiba Satellite “skullcandy” L70-C-C13 to be precise. It was my daughters originally but it more or less died. It was so slow that it was useless. Despite my best efforts to unbung it, it remained dead slow, even after I tried new RAM and an SSD it remained tortoise like. So in desperation I have been trying to reset it to its factory settings, it is only now that I might succeed. I type this watching and waiting for a blank screen to reignite into life, I am not hopeful. So I write the blog in a cyber whirl of anticipation.

As for the rest of the day, there was a moment of relative joy as while waiting for the moribund laptop to work agonisingly slowly through something I idly checked the status of Sainsburys delivery slots. To my amazement I found they had some. So with great glee I booked a slot and then revisited my waiting basket to fill it with all the things that we had run out of since I first tried to get a delivery slot. So it is going to be Eldorado Friday in this household between 8 and 9am, with a Tesco slot the following Friday that’s Aprils food sorted.

One other thing happened that was both sweet and bitter. My GP rang me to how I was and to try and carry out my oncologist’s recommendation that I go to an oral medication for my DVT rather than keep on stabbing myself. We started the protocol to check that he could prescribe it for me by checking the NICE guidance on the drug proposed and to my and his disappointment he found it could only be prescribed by the relevant consultant, who in my case was the DVT specialist and not the oncologist who had recommended it to the GP. MY GP is a lovely man and was truly disappointed that I would have to wait till the 23rd of April to discuss it with the DVT specialist. However my doctor did send the letter he had received from the oncologist to my phone, I did not know he was so tech savvy, and I to my delight I discovered I could print direct from my phone to my printer. My printer is so posh it has its own email address apparently. It’s only a matter of time before it invites me over for drinks. So as I say the interaction was bitter/sweet but it was one I am glad of and thankful for such an attentive and caring GP.

It’s been a quiet day on WhatsApp except for my friend who is celebrating her daughters third birthday today and by all accounts it has been a glittery day of activity. I wonder if I will still be in isolation in July when my birthday rolls around.

So I am still sitting here watching a laptop screen saying “This will take a few minutes please be patient”. Actually the screen just went blank that means it is either working or just gone AWOL. This could be a long night.

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