Sunday; weigh in day, so after getting comfortable I step up onto the scales: Result: 94.5 Kilos. It is official, I am now “Over Weight” and no longer “Obese”. I have another 2.5 kilos to go to my first goal. My new status was celebrated with an after dinner Magnum. A real treat. If I can drop again next Sunday then I shall celebrate again. My coming week has very few work slots in it so I am hoping to put in a good training week on the exercise bike and in the gym.
As for the rest of the day it was a mixture of watching Leicester Tigers losing the last game of the season, baking bread, planting pansies and raking leafs up off the lawns. Since having the central heating re-piped the shower in the bathroom now works which means I sneak off and have a shower at the drop of a hat. As a result my hair seems to be adopting a Ted Danson style. I suppose it has to adopt some sort of mid stage style as I grow my way towards my final goal of the Lucius Malfoy look.

It seems it will take some time to make the transition but I think in the long term worth it. To bead or not to bead? I shall see when I get there.
My evening saw me finish series four of Heroes and watching football highlights. Tomorrow sees the start of a week of work and training opportunities so I will be spending time in the shed.