DT DAY 196

A.G.A.I.G DAY 181

Sunday and I’ve spent it sorting out the garage and all the storage space. So now the garage is retuned to a training space with several boxes of “stuff” to go to charity, recycle or the dump. In the course of the day I realised that my Imelda Marcus gene is worse than I thought, as the day wore on I found other pairs.

A few more pairs of footwear found during the day
One last pair of slippers that slipped through the net.

All day I have sneezed and constantly dabbed my nose as it ran profusely due to the dust. It finally abated when I sat to watch the football in the evening with the fire one. I had some moments of panic when I could not log onto my blog, for some time it would not let me in. In the end I gave up and went for a shower and a long chat with my youngest daughter who arrived to stay for a couple of days. She had bought loads of retro clothes from the Coventry clothes market. Some really good jackets and coats, all bought by weight.

Finally I get into my website and write the blog. Tomorrow sees my partner and I start a weeks leave, so I expect we will garden and prepare for our three day break in Norfolk later in the week. For now I will settle for a good nights sleep.