DV DAY 190

A.G.A.I.G DAY 175

Its re pipe day, the first f three, however before I can enjoy the fun I have to go to the GP for my 28 day injection. Right side this month for the pigeons egg that gets injected into me. It feels sore as the nurse pumps it in and as the day progresses it gets sorer, I feel crapper and I get a thumping head ache. But hey this is re pipe day 1. Four crew members turn up in four vans dead on 8:30 and begin. Luckily we had moved our cars and my partner and daughter went of to work leaving me to retreat to the shed. I am a great believer in letting people get on with their work especially when its something I know bugger all about. I remember how annoying it was in my workman days to have people stand around while I sweated my bollocks off. There is something degrading about being watched working, unless of course you invite people to do so, like when training new therapists.

So I retreated to my shed to check emails and to write letters, where I was joined by an intrusive rose and an inquisitive caterpillar. A strange feeling of being immersed in nature.

Having written my letters I headed for the post office trying not to hear the noise of drilling and banging. I caught a glimpse of a disembowelled boiler. I hurried on. to my local post box. Mission complete I walked to our village cafe and order a take away bacon and egg baguette, returning home to eat lunch in the shed and quench my thirst with a bottle of water. My head is really aching now but I start to play with my jewelry making kit. Not a success but I had a chance to practice skills and find out about the medium of wax. By the time the crew started to pack up I was napping on the swing seat. At this point I went to see what had been done during the day. It was impressive but there is still loads more to do. Below are some pictures of progress to date.

It doesn’t seem possible that this will be back working soon.

We wave the crew farewell and return our cars to the drive ready to start all over again tomorrow. An easy evening meal of pizza as I write the blog for the day. I’m hoping for an early night.